Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A musical experience called 'Job Kurian'

Bloggies,I kept this blog of mine long awaiting[Its been almost an year..pheeww] for its first post because i was in a dilemma what it should be ,as i was about to touch up on the most endearing topic of my life-MUSIC,[Even though i am not related to music in any manner i have a strange connection with it since my childhood and just cant live without it!] Its been my only loyal friend through the 'strange journey of life' i've had till now..I even scrapped a few articles but wouldnt post and I dont even know why!

Life has been witnessing a drastic transformation on all the front since past two years and especially the last year has been quite a journey of self-discovery,where introspection of the most minute details resulted in sorting out the otherwise confused 'ME'..Somewhere down the journey,I bumped into an interesting yet strangely unaware page of life..and the wait was finally over.I decided It to be the first topic as it was very relevant to my experience of music..

The topic happens to be 'A Young,Dynamic,Supertalented Man from Kerala,Job Kurian'...:)
Yes,His name is Job Kurian..If you google the name you would probably get a few articles about him back from 2007,some of his image results too..but the most striking one is the youtube video results.Its obvious from them that he is a SINGER.. <3<3

What is so special about him huh?Well he happens to be my senior during my college days.Him and His friends,Charan and Sumit Chandra totally hogged the limelight during the college fests.They were amazing singers and had a passion for music that was unmatcheable.

Job happened to be everybody's darling because of his amazing performances and one could hear his name on and off inside the campus among discussions..He had a huge fanbase among girls,especially.Everybody had the opinion that he was a very down to earth guy too.I didnt know him personally and the strange thing was i had heard him sing only a couple of times.Inspite of being in the same college i didnt even cross path with him ever and strangely whenever his performances were there either i would be far away or wasnt there..Thats how it so happened that i had only heard him singing but never saw him..making me always wonder who the person was!

The first time i heard him sing was 'Hai Rama' from Rangeela in one of the duets competition.I was far away in my department block practicing for my group dance.As soon as he started singing i became blank for a while,then started screaming who is this singing and all.Such was the magic of his voice,I started running towards the stage hoping to see him but someone stopped me on my way wanting to dicuss something important,but my ears were busy listening to him [even today i dont know what the other person actually talked that time!]..By the time i reached the stage,the performance was over and the man gone..later i asked people who it was and all..The first impression was so everlasting,his singing still lingers in my ears even after so many years and i can vividly recall those moments..!!

It so happened that almost all the time i would miss him seeing and only hear him.There was a fundraiser arranged called 'prerna' with almost half of the college participating in dance and musical performances.But Job and his friends were the showstealers..Unlucky me,i couldnt attend due to some peronal emergency even after buying the ticket!..There was 'job','job' everywhere in college ,still i paid less attention to know about him [the only reason was that i was a shy and loner by nature..]..:(

He passed out and once again a few months later ther was a huge buzz in the college that Job was in the final two of a talent hunt 'superstar' at amrita t.v,a malayalam channel.People were appealing us to vote for him.Later we were told that sadly he was the runner up,but turn out that he had become more popular than the winner..Once again there was a curiosity in me about who the man was but i paid less attention to it..!

After i passed out,turns out that i end up being a faculty in the same college and last year during our college golden jubilee celebrations,our college magazine editorial ran an article about Job and Charan and how they were pursuing their dreams and had mentioned about the malayalam album 'THAALAM' they had composed as a band.My musical curiosity reached an all time high and i decided it was time i once and for all saw the man and end it..

When i googled,the album wasnt available for download.But there were youtube videos.Youtube related videos had his superstar performances too..There were also 'Straight From The Heart' videos which is a musical performance for a malayalam youth channel called 'rosebowl' which is pretty much like youtube coke studio..That day was the most enjoyable experience of music i ever had..And you guys have to SEE IT TO BELIEVE IT..The transformation he has had from being just a regular singer to a complete performer is magnificient!After few months there were also 'Straight from the heart 2' performances and also a guest performance song called 'Sparsham' for another band.

I became his fan forever and decided to contact him regretting my ignorance which finally ended in making his acquaintance..Whatever people used to say about his nature turns out to be true and i must admit that he is one of the most humble and simple people i have ever talked to in my whole life..
Listen to 'Thaalam' and you will not get enough of his singing.Of course the credit too goes to Charan and Yakzan the other composers,but its the singing that has made all the difference.Every song in that album is a divine experience..!

He is blessed with a divine voice and is destined to be a 'star'.All he needs is that 'kiss of destiny'-the one life altering chance!.Of course,he must be working towards it but strangely the man hasn't got his fair share of success yet that he actually deserves..He deserves to be known nationwide as he has got mastery on many languages-Kannada,Tamil,Malayalam,Hindi and English plus he composes too!..

I am going to post all his performance videos,courtesy youtube and rosebowl channel,for you folks..Its an enchanting experience to watch him [Ladies..He is 'Oh! tall ,dark and so handsome!' :D] and listen him..I bet,You will be addicted to his singing for the rest of your lives,just like me and many people [see the comments for his videos at youtube and facebook,you'll know how many are..]

I am trying to promote him as well here as I adore him too much as a listener plus he is my senior..That way i feel obligated to contribute to his talent in whatever small way possible..He is on Facebook too and has a huge fanbase there too..Folks i hope you appreciate and enjoy..Three cheers to Music and the man Job,wishing him all the success in life..

Oh! i forgot to tell you guys.As of now it seems Job and Charan work for Ricky Kej ,The famous ad jingle composer plus music director and shuttles his base between Bangalore and Thiruvananthapuram.Its the authentic information i got from the man himself..:D

Am gonna post the videos one by one and wanna make sure it reaches out to all..:)

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